Issue 116


Market turmoil: the shape of the chaos to come?

Where will the Brown bounce land?

The shifting fronts of Bush’s war

The return of the working class


South Africa: rebirth of a mass movement

Claire Ceruti

Interview: Egypt’s strike wave

Can we write the history of the Russian Revolution?

Kevin Murphy

The uncertain return of Russian power

Mike Haynes

Germany’s political earthquake

Gordon Childe and Marxist archaeology

Neil Faulkner

Interview: Venezuela—tensions within the process

“On the menu or at the table”: corporations and climate change

Gareth Dale

The Dutch Revolt: a social analysis

Pepijn Brandon

Theses on realism and film

Mike Wayne

Book reviews

Iraq’s women: more than victims

Anne Alexander

Last writings of the party favourite

Donny Gluckstein

Exposing the myths of Bush’s wars

Sadie Robinson

Debray’s memoirs: tears of a clown

Ian Birchall

Accounting for the environment

Paul McGarr

Saull’s Cold War: not such hot stuff

Adrian Budd

Passionate impasse: subaltern studies

Barry Pavier

Campbell’s blood money

John Newsinger

Workers’ power under global capitalism

Ben Selwyn

The rubbish barons

Martin Empson

Shedding some light on Lenin

Chris Harman

Return of the one-state solution

Jonathan Maunder

Rising of the oppressed: the second Intifada

Ruth Tenne

Paris 1961: a hidden massacre

Tom Whittaker

Sci-fi and struggle

Matthew Beaumont

Hello Lenin, goodbye Lenin!

Vladimir Unkovski-Korica

Pick of the quarter

This quarter’s selection