On the precipice
Joseph Choonara
After the US midterm elections: what’s changed?
Virginia Rodino
Interview: Iran’s rising for dignity and freedom
Peyman Jafari
Britain’s strike wave: workers on the frontline
Charlie Kimber
Marxism and royalty
Donny Gluckstein and Ian Taylor
A tribute to Mike Davis
Alex Callinicos
Hindutva and the Sangh Parivar in Britain
Barry Pavier
Capitalism and Slavery revisited: the legacy of Eric Williams
Christian Høgsbjerg
Carl Cowl: a story of defeat and survival
Richard Bradbury
Strategies for survival in the era of extinction
Nora Schmid
A Stalinist apologises
John Newsinger
The Cato Street conspiracy: when revolution became a public duty
Judy Cox
Reassessing revolution in the Middle East and North Africa
Sascha Radl
Pick of the quarter
This quarter’s pick