Issue 183—summer 2024
This infuriates the masses”: how Palestine and economic chaos fuel rage against Egypt’s dictatorship
Mohamed, Musa and Leila
Strategies for liberation: old and new arguments in the Palestinian left
Ramsis Kilani
George Galloway: no longer a leftist
Charlie Kimber
The culture wars: a Marxist analysis
Judy Cox
Lessons from the Portuguese Revolution
Héctor Sierra and Eva Sousa Colwell
Degrowth and Marxism
Martin Empson
Issue 182—spring 2024
Interview: fossil imperialism and green capital in the Middle East and North Africa
Hamza Hamouchene
Revisiting the dynamics of imperialism in the Middle East
Anne Alexander
“For the outcasts and by the outcasts”: understanding all of Fanon’s warnings
Leo Zeilig
For a progressive pedagogy: why we need Vygotsky
Jane Bassett
Great Replacement theory: from the fringes to the mainstream
Judith Orr
Issue 181—winter 2024
A second Nakba?
Joseph Choonara
Israel’s roadmap to genocide
Rob Ferguson
Palestine: between permanent war and permanent revolution
Anne Alexander
Interview: Die Linke’s crisis and the German far left
Christine Buchholz
The French impasse
Charlie Kimber
Issue 180—autumn 2023
Interview: Israel’s crisis and the Palestinian resistance
Toufic Haddad and Ilan Pappé
Fighting for the National Health Service in the 1970s—and the lessons for today
Kambiz Boomla
The challenge of antisemitism
Anna Gluckstein
Marx and Spinoza
Alex Callinicos
Against sociobiology: a response to Jane Bassett
Rosemarie Nünning
Issue 179—summer 2023
Workers shake Macron: snapshots from the struggle in France
Denis Godard
Finding new avenues: Scotland’s independence movement and the SNP’s crisis
Maryam Hally and Héctor Sierra
Revolutionaries and elections
Joseph Choonara
Disorder reigns in Khartoum
Anne Alexander
The Demerara Rebellion of 1823: collective bargaining by slave revolt
Christian Høgsbjerg
Issue 178—spring 2023
The British labour movement’s halting recovery
Joseph Choonara
Fascism’s return to Italy? The meaning of the Fratelli d’Italia
Mark L Thomas
Against fatalism: John Molyneux, 1948-2022
Joseph Choonara
Interview: Portugal’s strike movement
Raquel Varela
Ethel Carnie Holdsworth: a wild rebel soul
Judy Cox
Issue 177—winter 2023
On the precipice
Joseph Choonara
After the US midterm elections: what’s changed?
Virginia Rodino
Interview: Iran’s rising for dignity and freedom
Peyman Jafari
Britain’s strike wave: workers on the frontline
Charlie Kimber
Marxism and royalty
Donny Gluckstein and Ian Taylor
Issue 176—autumn 2022
Interview: Sri Lanka’s stalled revolt
Ahilan Kadirgamar
A supreme injustice: the battle for abortion rights in the United States
Judith Orr
Interview: exorcising the cult of Churchill
Tariq Ali
Sexism, the police and abolition
Sheila McGregor
Feeling the heat: wildfires and capitalism
Ian Rappel
Issue 175—summer 2022
The gathering storm
Joseph Choonara
France: a country divided
Judith Orr
Interview: rising up in Sri Lanka
Ahilan Kadirgamar
Imperialism, war and the Eurasian faultline
Rob Ferguson
More than a moment: what did Black Lives Matter achieve?
Nadia Sayed
Issue 174—spring 2022
The devastation of Ukraine: NATO, Russia and imperialism
Joseph Choonara
A race to the right: Éric Zemmour, Marine Le Pen and France’s presidential election
Judith Orr
Interview: prospects for revolutionaries in Sudan
Muzan Alneel and Mohamed Abdelrahman
Jane McAlevey’s organising model: is it a rank and file strategy?
Paul Brook
Dear England? Nationalism and “progressive patriotism” in sport
Sue Caldwell
Issue 173—winter 2022
Uncertain future: workers in the pandemic
Joseph Choonara
After COP26
Martin Empson
Ending apartheid in Palestine: the case for a revolutionary strategy
Anne Alexander
Stalinism’s long shadow
Tomáš Tengely-Evans
Marxism, moral panic and the war on trans people
Laura Miles
Issue 172—autumn 2021
Afghanistan and empire
Joseph Choonara
What to expect from COP26: climate action, climate justice or greenwashing?
Eve Croeser
China, the Uyghurs and the left
Simon Gilbert
Beyond our numbers: a socialist argument about population and the environment
Martin Empson and Ian Rappel
Women’s work in the first civilisations
Rosemarie Nünning
Issue 171—summer 2021
Vast impersonal forces: Biden, state and capital
Joseph Choonara
More than Starmer: why did Labour lose (again)?
Charlie Kimber
Northern Ireland and the crisis of unionism
Kieran Allen
Scottish independence: prospects for breaking up the British State
Donny Gluckstein
Out of the shadows: female Leninists and Russian socialism
Judy Cox
Issue 170—spring 2021
Pandemic politics: year two
Joseph Choonara
Ten years since the Arab revolutions
Anne Alexander
Neoliberal capitalism implodes
Alex Callinicos
Fighting back on Turtle Island
Brian Champ and Michelle Robidoux
The habitable Earth: biodiversity, society and rewilding
Ian Rappel
Issue 169—winter 2021
Analysis: a year under the pandemic
Joseph Choonara
Migration in an era of climate catastrophe
Camilla Royle
How we smashed Golden Dawn
Petros Constantinou
Palestinian youth: a silver lining and a ray of hope
Ilan Pappé
Genderquake: socialist women and the Paris Commune
Judy Cox
Issue 168—autumn 2020
The crisis deepens
Joseph Choonara
Behind the Lebanese apocalypse
Anne Alexander
Racism: individual, institutional and structural
Esme Choonara
The many faces of Marine Le Pen
Judith Orr
Capitalism, coronavirus and mental distress
Iain Ferguson
Issue 167—summer 2020
A triple crisis
Joseph Choonara
France: anatomy of a strange defeat
Jad Bouharoun
The battle in the workplace
Mark L Thomas
Pandemic economics
Michael Roberts
Science, capitalism and Covid-19
John Parrington
Issue 166—spring 2019
Highlights include:
Socialism in a time of pandemics
Joseph Choonara
Class, power and revolution in Sudan
Anne Alexander
The roots of Algeria’s crisis
Gianni Del Panta
Why did Labour lose?
Charlie Kimber
How Marx and Engels fought for women’s liberation
Judy Cox
Issue 165—winter 2020
Highlights include:
A new cycle of revolt
Joseph Choonara
The wages of Brexit
Alex Callinicos
Non-violence, social change and revolution
Martin Empson
From eugenics to scientific racism
Roddy Slorach
The Christian right, the Republican Party and Donald Trump
John Newsinger
Issue 164—autumn 2019
Highlights include:
The British Trump
John Newsinger
Uncontrolled predatory capitalism: the core of Bolsonaro’s government
Eduardo da Motta e Albuquerque and Cláudia Feres Faria
India’s 2019 general election and the deepening of fascistic tendencies
Raju Das
The “NGOisation” of the Syrian Revolution
Julie Hearn and Abdulsalam Dallal
Music, class and party in 1920s Russia
Mark Abel
Issue 163—summer 2019
Highlights include:
Living on revolution time: Sudan and Algeria
by Anne Alexander
Women and the far right
by Judith Orr
The Anti Nazi League and the lessons for today
by Paul Holborow
In defence of party building
by John Molyneux
Issue 162—spring 2019
Highlights include:
Fascism in Europe today
by Mark L Thomas
The French quagmire
by Jad Bouharoun
Dirty energy, capitalism and the working class
by Suzanne Jeffery
Marx and race: a Eurocentric analysis?
by Ken Olende
Issue 161—winter 2019
Highlights include:
Brazil: how big a defeat?
by Valério Arcary
Austria: fascism in government
by David Albrich
Marxist politics at work during the long boom and its breakdown
by Roger Cox
1968 and the troubled birth of the Turkish left
by Carol Williams
Issue 160—autumn 2018
Highlights include:
Value isn’t everything
by John Bellamy Foster and Paul Burkett
Natural capital: a neoliberal response to species extinction
by Ian Rappel
Social reproduction theory: back to (which) Marx?
by Sheila McGregor
The Labour Party and post-neoliberalism
by Martin Upchurch
Ireland’s abortion victory
by Marnie Holborow
Issue 159—summer 2018
Highlights include:
The contemporary dynamics of Imperialism in the Middle East
by Anne Alexander
Out of control? Youth crime, class and capitalism
by Jo Cardwell, Claire Dissington and Brian Richardson
Fourteen days that shook the universities
by Christian Høgsbjerg, Julie Hearn, Carlo Morelli and Camilla Royle
The Prague Spring of 1968: a glimpse of socialism?
by Tomáš Tengely-Evans
Issue 158—spring 2018
Highlights include:
Marx’s politics
by Alex Callinicos
Remembering “Rivers of Blood”
by Shirin Hirsch
How working class women won the vote
by Judy Cox
The political economy of a long depression
by Joseph Choonara
Issue 157—winter 2018
Highlights include:
Marxism, feminism and transgender politics
by Sue Caldwell
Zimbabwe after Mugabe
by Alex Callinicos
Is globalisation finished?
by Martin Upchurch
The radical Robert Burns
by Charlie McKinnon
Issue 156—autumn 2017
Highlights include:
The orphaned revolution: the meaning of October 1917
by Alex Callinicos
Maxim Gorky and the fellow travellers
by Cathy Porter
The Russian Revolution and the British working class
by Pete Jackson
A hard road to travel: black people and racism in the 19th century United States
by Ken Olende
Issue 155—summer 2017
Highlights include:
Podemos, Catalonia and the workers’ movement in the Spanish state
by Héctor Sierra
Fast food rights: organising the unorganised
by Julie Sherry
Science, socialism and the Russian Revolution
by John Parrington
Interview: The meaning of Macron
Vanina Giudicelli
Issue 154—spring 2017
Highlights include:
Antisemitism and the far-right today
by Rob Ferguson
Frantz Fanon: Decolonisation through revolution
by Chris Newlove
Donald Trump: A balance sheet
by Megan Trudell
Lenin’s April Theses and the Russian Revolution
by Kevin Corr
Issue 153—winter 2017
Highlights include:
Donald Trump and the US elections
by Josh Hollands
Lessons of the Syrian Revolution
Interview with Ghayath Naisse
Here to stay, here to fight: How Asians transformed the British working class
by Yuri Prasad
Abortion wars
by Judith Orr
Once more on strikes
by Simon Joyce
Issue 152—autumn 2016
Highlights include:
Food, agriculture and climate change
by Martin Empson
Why did Britain vote Leave?
by Charlie Kimber
The ideology of Europeanism and Europe’s migrant other
by Céline Cantat
Hungary 1956: a socialist revolution
by G M Tamás
Issue 151—summer 2016
Highlights include:
Brexit: A world-historic turn
by Alex Callinicos
Official and unofficial action in the fight against anti-union laws
by Ralph Darlington
Marxism and the Anthropocene
by Camilla Royle
What are we to do with Islam? The case of Turkey
by Ron Margulies
Issue 150—spring 2016
Highlights include:
The “crisis” of the European border regime: Towards a Marxist theory of borders
by Nicholas De Genova
Sanders, Trump and the US working class
by Megan Trudell
Atheism, secularism and religious freedom: Debates within the German left
by Kate Davison
“All changed, changed utterly”: The historical significance of the Irish Revolution
by Shaun Doherty
Issue 149—winter 2016
Highlights include:
A house divided: Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party
by Mark L Thomas
Radical economics, Marxist economics and Marx’s economics
by Jane Hardy
ISIS, imperialism and the war in Syria
by Anne Alexander
Striking debates
by Paul McGarr
Issue 148—autumn 2015
Highlights include:
The EU referendum: The case for a socialist Yes vote
by John Palmer
The internationalist case against the European Union
by Alex Callinicos
Fortress Europe: The war against migrants
by Fran Cetti
Up against the clock: Climate, social movements and Marxism
by Suzanne Jeffery
Issue 147—summer 2015
Highlights include:
Manoeuvres from above, movements from below: Greece under Tsipras
Despina Karayianni and Gareth Jenkins
The global crawl continues
by Michael Roberts
Capitalism and species extinction
by Ian Rappel
Rosa Luxemburg, Richard Müller and the Berlin Workers’ and Soldiers’ councils
by John Rose
Issue 146—spring 2015
Highlights include:
Syriza and the Crisis
Panos Garganas interviewed
After the Paris attacks
by Jim Wolfreys
Islamophobia: The othering of Europe’s Muslims
by Hassan Mahamdallie
Racism and Resistance in the US
by Megan Trudell
Issue 145—winter 2015
Highlights include:
The challenge of Podemos
by Manel Barriere, Andy Durgan and Sam Robson
Why are there so few strikes?
by Simon Joyce
ISIS and counter-revolution: towards a Marxist analysis
by Anne Alexander
An end to isolation? Palestine and the Arab revolutions
by Philip Marfleet
Issue 144—autumn 2014
Highlights include:
The case of the disappearing Lenin
by Kevin Corr and Gareth Jenkins
Ukraine: imperialism, war and the left
by Rob Ferguson
South Africa after Marikana
by Charlie Kimber
Lise Vogel and the politics of women’s liberation
by Nicola Ginsburgh
Issue 143—summer 2014
Highlights include:
UKIP and immigration
by Andy Jones
The changing history of the First World War
by Megan Trudell
The great schism: socialism and war in 1914
by Paul Blackledge
Thunder on the left
by Alex Callinicos
Issue 142—spring 2014
Highlights include:
The SWP and the Great Miners’ Strike
by Dave Hayes
The rank and file and the trade union bureaucracy
by Ralph Darlington
What’s wrong with privilege theory?
by Esme Choonara and Yuri Prasad
Environmentalism in crisis
by Ieuan Churchill
Issue 141—winter 2014
Highlights include:
Can the Tories abolish the welfare state
by Iain Ferguson
Transgender oppression and resistance
by Laura Miles
Raymond Challinor’s Marxism
by Christian Hogsbjerg
Dialectics, nature and the dialectics of nature
by Camilla Royle
Issue 140—Autumn 2013
Highlights include:
Spectres of counter-revolution
by Alex Callinicos
From global slump to long depression
by Michael Roberts
The politics of the SWP crisis
by Charlie Kimber and Alex Callinicos
Michael Gove
by Nick Grant
Agamben in perspective
by Simon Behrman
Online only articles include:
The KPD and the crisis of world revolution
by Yusuf Timms
The working class, trade unions and the left
by Sean Vernell
A response to Kimber and Callinicos
by Jim Wolfreys and others
Contributions to a debate on sexuality and pre-class societies
by Colin Wilson, John Molyneux and Terry Sullivan
Issue 139—Summer 2013
Highlights include:
Where is the British left going?
by Alex Callinicos
Left reformism, the state and the problem of socialist politics today
by Paul Blackledge
Privatising the NHS
by Jeni Gosling
What gender does
by Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale
Sexuality in pre-class society
by Colin Wilson
The neoliberal era in Britain: historical developments and current perspectives
by Neil Davidson
Issue 138—Spring 2013
Highlights include:
Economic blues
by Alex Callinicos
Imperialism and instability in East Asia today
by Ha-young Kim
The class struggles in Europe
by Joseph Choonara
From mobilisation to resistance: Portugal’s struggle against austerity
by Catarina Príncipe
Marxism and women’s oppression today
by Sheila McGregor
Lenin’s “Left-Wing” Communism: An Infantile Disorder revisited
by John Rose
Issue 137—Winter 2013
Highlights include:
British sounds
by Alex Callinicos
Why Obama won
by Meqan Trudell
Interview: South Africa after Marikana
by Peter Alexander
“Never going back”: Egypt’s continuing revolution
by Philip Marfleet
Latin America: the tide is turning
by Mike Gonzalez
New divisions of labour in the global economy
by Jane Hardy
Issue 136—Autumn 2012
Highlights include:
Narrowing the bounds of the possible: the US election
by Alex Callinicos
The crisis of black leadership
by Esme Choonara and Yuri Prasad
Democracy: fact and fetish
by Donny Gluckstein
Back to “normality”? US foreign policy under Obama
by Alexander Anievas, Adam Fabry and Robert Knox
In perspective: John Holloway
by Paul Blackledge
“Chavs”, class and representation
by Nicola Ginsburgh
Issue 135—Summer 2012
Highlights include:
The second coming of the radical left
by Alex Callinicos
France after Sarkozy
by Jim Wolfreys
The life and times of Occupy Wall Street
by Jen Roesch
The Rochdale sexual abuse scandal
by Judith Orr
Resistance: the best Olympic spirit
by Dave Zirin and Gareth Edwards
The Syrian Crucible
by Jonathan Maunder
The rise and fall of the Jewish Labour Bund
by Sai Englert
Issue 134—Spring 2012
Highlights include:
Rumours of crisis, revolution and war
by Alex Callinicos
Greece: the struggle radicalises
by Panos Garganas
The politics of the Scottish independence referendum
by Neil Davidson
The shock of the new: anti-capitalism and the crisis
by Jonny Jones
“Most humble day”: the Murdoch empire on the defensive
by John Newsinger
The growth paradigm: a critique
by Gareth Dale
Housing: as it is, and as it might be
by David Renton
Pitfalls and radical mutations: Frantz Fanon’s revolutionary life
by Leo Zeilig
The late Christopher Hitchens
by Richard Seymour
Race and class in the US
by Nicola Ginsburgh
Issue 133—Winter 2012
Highlights include:
The crisis wears on
by Alex Callinicos
The rebirth of our power? After the 30 November mass strike
by Charlie Kimber
The Occupy movement and class politics in the US
by Megan Trudell
Interview: Working people have no interest in saving the euro
by Costas Lapavitsas
China’s capitalism and the crisis
by Jane Hardy and Adrian Budd
The Egyptian workers’ movement and the 25 January Revolution
by Anne Alexander
Libya at the crossroads
by Simon Assaf
Revolution against “progress”: the TIPNIS struggle and class contradictions in Bolivia
by Jeffery R Webber
“Take that, Maynard G Krebs!”: the Beat Generation.
by Adam Marks
Engels’s contradictions: a reply to Tristram Hunt
by Roland Boer
Issue 132—Autumn 2011
Highlights include:
The crisis of our time
by Alex Callinicos
“No one represents us”: the 15 May movement in the Spanish state
by Andy Durgan and Joel Sans
August 2011: a riot of our own
by Jonny Jones
Queer theory and politics
by Colin Wilson
Global cities, global workers in the 21st century
by Mike Haynes
Behind and beyond the crisis
by Guglielmo Carchedi
Once more (with feeling) on Marxist accounts of the crisis
by Joseph Choonara
Tony Cliff rediscovered
by Nigel Harris and Christian Høgsbjerg
Robert Wedderburn: race, religion and revolution
by Michael Morris
Issue 131—Summer 2011
Highlights include:
Unsteady as she goes
by Alex Callinicos
Britain’s trade unions: the shape of things to come
by Martin Smith
The Tories: an anatomy
by Richard Seymour
The growing social soul of Egypt’s democratic revolution
by Anne Alexander
Culture and multiculturalism
by Gareth Jenkins
Geert Wilders and the rise of the new radical right
by Maina van der Zwan
The Great Unrest and a Welsh town
by Tim Evans
The London Crowd, 1760-2010
by Keith Flett
Issue 130—Spring 2011
Highlights include:
The return of the Arab revolution
by Alex Callinicos
Tunisia: The people’s revolution
by Chamseddine Mnasri
Act One of the Egyptian Revolution
by Philip Marfleet
Social Media and Social Movements
by Jonny Jones
The student movement today
by Dan Swain
The origins of the united front policy
by John Riddell
The Tories, Eton and private schools
by David Renton
The London Crowd, 1760-2010
by Keith Flett
Issue 129—Winter 2011
Highlights include:
The student revolt and the crisis
by Alex Callinicos and Jonny Jones
Mad as hatters? The Tea Party movement in the US
by Megan Trudell
Police killings and the law
by Simon Behrman
Labourism and socialism: Ralph Miliband’s Marxism
by Paul Blackledge
True crime stories: some New Labour memoirs
by John Newsinger
Marxism and disability
by by Roddy Slorach
Decoding capitalism
by Joseph Choonara
What’s wrong with school history?
by Andrew Stone
Why we should be sceptical of climate sceptics
by Suzanne Jeffery
Tony Cliff’s Lenin and the Russian Revolution
by John Rose
Issue 128—Autumn 2010
Highlights include:
Palestine, Israel and the boycott
by Tom Hickey and Phil Marfleet
Hamas, Gaza and the blockade
by Jamie Allinson
The euro crisis and the future of EU integration
by by Christakis Georgiou
Crisis and Recession in central and Eastern Europe
by Jane Hardy
The Ironies of Indian Maoism
by Jairus Banaji
Michelangelo and Human Emancipation
by John Molyneux
From deflected permanent revolution to the law of uneven and combined development
by Neil Davidson
Issue 127—Summer 2010
Highlights include:
Marxism and feminism today
by Judith Orr
Zionism, Socialism and Nationalism
by Shlomo Sand and John Rose
Reviving the spirit of equality
by Richard G Wilkinson and Iain Ferguson
1937: the year of the sitdown
by John Newsinger
Reassessing the permanent arms economy
by Gonzalo Pozo
Daniel Bensaid: 1946-2010
by Sebastian Budgen
Empire and literature
by Gareth Jenkins
Issue 126—Spring 2010
Highlights include:
The changing face of racism
by Richard Seymour
Climate politics after Copenhagen
by Jonathan Neale
C L R James and the Black Jacobins
by Christian Høgsbjerg
25 years after the Great Miners’ Strike
by Jack Robertson
Tony Cliff: Deflected permanent revolution in Africa
by Leo Zeilig
Rethinking imperialism: past, present and future
by Gilbert Achcar
Conceding the Russian Revolution to Liberals
by Kevin Murphy
Issue 125—Winter 2010
Highlights include:
Snapshots of struggle
Ireland: From shock therapy to resistance
by Kieran Allen
France: From economic to political struggles
by Denis Godard
Opposition and opportunity in Germany
by Stefan Bornost
Greece: The eye of the storm?
by Panos Garganas
Sketches of Spain
by Mike Eaude
Chris Harman 1942-2009
A life in the struggle
by Ian Birchall
Althusser: The emperor has no clothes
by Chris Harman
Another side of Chris Harman
by Joseph Choonara
Not all Marxism is dogmatism
by Chris Harman
Zombie Capitalism and the origin of crises
by Guglielmo Carchedi
A whiff of tear gas
by Andy Durgan
Marxism and anarchism
by Paul Blackledge
The sex work debate
by Jane Pritchard
Obama’s first year
by Megan Trudell
Honduras is not just another banana republic
by Mike Gonzalez
Issue 124—Autumn 2009
Highlights include:
1989: How the wall was toppled
A short autumn of utopia: the East German revolution of 1989
by Gareth Dale
End of the liberal dream: Hungary since 1989
by Adam Fabry
Rupture and Revolt in Iran
by Peyman Jafari
Interview: Will the sparks flare up?
by Michael Bradley and Charlie Kimber
Pinning the blame on the system
by Andrew Kliman
On party democracy
by John Molyneux
Issue 123—Summer 2009
Highlights include:
How do we stop the BNP?
by Martin Smith
Marxists accounts of the crisis
by Joseph Choonara
Gandhi: the man behind the myths
by Talat Ahmed
Capitalism, health and medicine
by Mike Haynes
The full story: Marxism and religion
by Roland Boer
Issue 122—Spring 2009
Highlights include:
In the balance: The class struggle in Britain
by Charlie Kimber
Migration, migrant workers and capitalism
by Jane Hardy
Culture and socialism
by Terry Eagleton
1934: Year of the fightback
by John Newsinger
Social work after “Baby P”
by Iain Ferguson and Michael Lavalette
Issue 121—Winter 2009
Highlights include:
The slump of the 1930s and the crisis today
by Chris Harman
Myths of globalisation and the new economy
by Bill Dunn
Viewpoints on the European radical left
by Francois Sabado and Panos Garganas
Obama and the working class vote
by Megan Trudell
How classical music lost its audience
by Simon Behrman
Trotsky on race in the US
by Christian Hogsbjerg
Chavez ten years on
by Mike Gonzalez
Issue 120—Autumn 2008
Highlights include:
Afghanistan: the case against the “good war”
by Jonathan Neale
Where is the radical left going?
by Alex Callinicos
Marxism and ethics
by Paul Blackledge
Crisis at the centre of the system
by Andrew Kliman
A fiftieth birthday for Marxist theory
by Ian Birchall
Issue 119—Summer 2008
Highlights include:
More than opium: Marxism and religion
by John Molyneux
Behind the world food crisis
by Carlo Moreli
China, Tibet and the left
by Charlie Hore
Zimbabwe: imperialism, hypocrisy and fake nationalism
by Leo Zeilig
Marx, Leon and the Jewish Question
by John Rose
Issue 118—Spring 2008
Highlights include:
1968: an extraordinary year
France: May through the decades
by Matt Perry
Martin Luther King in Memphis
by Brian Kelly
Tony Cliff in 1968
by Ian Birchall
Egypt’s strike wave
by Anne Alexander, Mustafa Bassiouny and Omar Said
China’s growth pains
by Charlie Hore
Foucault: friend of foe of the left
by Colin Wilson
Analysing Imperial China
by Simon Gilbert
When old Labour went to war
by John Newsinger
Issue 117—Winter 2008
Highlights include:
Costas Lapavitsas interviewed on the credit crunch
Theorising neoliberalism
by Chris Harman
Capitalism and happiness
by Iain Ferguson
The African working class and the planet of slums
by Leo Zeilig and Claire Ceruti
25 Years of Imagined Communities
by Neil Davidson
Shakespeare, Marxism and literary history
by Joe Hartney
Issue 116—Autumn 2007
Highlights include:
The return of the working class: Egypt’s strike wave and South Africa’s struggles
by Sameh Naguib and Claire Ceruti
Can we write a history of the Russian Revolution
by Kevin Murphy
The Return of Russian Power?
by Mike Haynes
Germany’s political earthquake
by Stefan Bornost
Gordon Childe and Marxist archaeology
by Neil Faulkner
Interview with Mike Gonzalez: Venezuela’s tensions
Corporations and climate change
by Gareth Dale
The Dutch Revolt
by Pepijn Brandon
Realism and Film
by Mike Wayne
Issue 115—Summer 2007
Highlights include:
Robin Blackburn interview: What really ended slavery?
Brown’s Journey from Reformism to Neoliberalism
by John Newsinger
José Carlos Mariátegui: Latin America’s forgotten Marxist
by Mike Gonzalez
At an impasse? Anti-capitalism and the social forums today
by Alex Callinicos and Chris Nineham
France at the crossroads
by Antoine Boulangé and Jim Wolfreys
Kim Moody interview: The superpower’s shopfloor
The rate of profit and the world today
by Chris Harman
Issue 114—Spring 2007
Highlights include:
Antonio Gramsci’s Revolutionary Legacy
Megan Trudell on 1919-20, the Turin Years
Chris Bambery on Hegemony and Revolutionary Strategy
Chris Harman on The Prison Notebooks
Adrain Budd on Gramsci and International Relations
LGBT Politics and Sexual Liberation
by Colin Wilson
The Big Brother Phenomena
by Colin Sparks
Sami Ramadani interviewed on Iraq
Northern Irelands New Troubles
by Goretti Horgan and Kieran Allen
Scottish Independence
by Neil Davidson
Issue 113 – Winter 2007
Highlights include:
The shape of the working class
by Martin Smith
A history of Muslim workers in Britain
by Hassan Mahamdallie
Ken Livingstone—the last reformist?
by Charlie Kimber
Contortions of the pro-war “left”
by Richard Seymour
The return of strategy
by Daniel Bensaid
Issue 112 – Autumn 2006
Highlights include:
Hizbollah and the war Israel lost
by Chris Harman
1956: Hungary’s revolution
by Mike Haynes
Suez and the high tide of Arab nationalism
by Anne Alexander
The New Left’s renewal of Marxism
by Paul Blackledge
CLR James: Revolutionary as artist
by Christian Høgsbjerg
Issue 111 – Summer 2006
Highlights include:
France’s extraordinary movementAnnick Coupé, Marie Perrin
Italy’s uncertain victoryDanilo Corradi, Brune Seban, Barbara de Vivo
Germany’s strategy debateVolkhard Mosler, Christine Buchholz, Maya Mosler
The hidden history of US radicalismMegan Trudell
Cuba behind the mythsChris Harman
What was done: rediscovering LeninPaul Blackledge
Debate: the origins of capitalismChris Harman and Robert Brenner
Seventy years after the Spanish Civil WarAndy Durgan
Issue 110 – Spring 2006
Highlights include:
Venezuela: movement and governmentRoland Denis
The Bolsheviks and IslamDave Crouch
Marxism and terrorismGareth Jenkins
Enlightenment and anti-capitalismNeil Davidson
Pakistan: on the edge of instabilityGeoff Brown
Mao out of contextCharlie Hore
Issue 109 – Winter 2006
Highlights include:
France in revoltJim Wolfreys
The politics of the banlieuesAbdellali Hajjat
Dossier: Reform and revolution in VenezuelaMarta Harnecker, José Vincente Rangel, Stalin Perez Borges, Miguel Angel Hernandez and Emilio Bastidas
Iraq: resistance and sectarianismInterviews with Sami Ramadani and Haifa Zangana
China’s economy and Europe’s crisisChris Harman
Anti-capitalism and the return of politicsChris Nineham
Gramsci and revolution: a necessary clarificationRoberto Robaina
Issue 108 – Autumn 2005
Highlights include:
France: the triumph of the politicalStathis Kouvélakis
Germany: the rise of the leftStefan Bornost
A note on the Dutch referendumPepijn Brandon
Poland and the new EuropeJane Hardy and Andy Zebrowski
25 years ago: the rise of SolidarnoscColin Barker
Respect: the view from belowIan Taylor
Bolivia: the rising of the peopleMike Gonzalez
The left and the crisis of the Lula governmentPaulo Trinidade, Rui Polly and Sérgio Dominguez
Imperialism and global political economyAlex Callinicos
Issue 107 – Summer 2005
Highlights include:
The strangling of Africa
Redesigning the debt trap
Gavin Capps
Aid, governance and exploitation
Charlie Kimber
Trading on poverty
Jacob Middleton
On the road to catastrophe: capitalism and climate change
Paul McGarr
Sartre’s century
Ian Birchall
Issue 106 – Spring 2005
Highlights include:
The elections and the resistance in Iraq
Anne Alexander and Simon Assaf
The changing structure of the British economy
Jane Hardy
Can we change the world without taking power?
A debate between John Holloway and Alex Callinicos World Social Forum, 27 January 2005
Issue 105 – Winter 2005
Highlights include:
Iraq: The rise of the resistance
by Anne Alexander and Simon Assaf
Workers, women and the Islamic republic
An interview with Elaheh Rostami Povey
The birth of our politics: Marxists and the 1905 Revolution
by Mark Thomas
Issue 104 – Autumn 2004
Highlights include:
Spontaneity, strategy and politics
by Chris Harman
NGOs: enemies or allies?
by Ji Giles Ungpakorn
Venezuela: many steps to come
by Mike Gonzalez
Issue 103 – Summer 2004
Highlights include:
China’s century?
by Charlie Hore
India after the elections: a rough guide
by Chris Harman
A band of brothers?
by Michael Bradley
Issue 102 – Spring 2004
Highlights include:
The hijab, racism and the state
by Antoine Boulangé
Globalisation against development
by François Chesnais
The rise of capitalism
by Chris Harman
Issue 101 – Winter 2003
Highlights include:
Women’s liberation today
by Lindsey German
The politics of food
by Carlo Morelli
Issue 100 — Autumn 2003
Highlights include:
Socialism in the 21st century
by John Rees
Global and local echoes of the anti-war movement: a British Muslim perspective
by Salma Yaqoob
Older issues
The Marxist Internet Archive
The MIA has made the entire first series of International Socialism (1958 to 1978) available online as well as many articles from the second (current) series.
Socialist Review and International Socialism Journal Index
also has indexes of most issues of International Socialism and the text to many of the articles in the journal.
We will be adding the text to earlier issues of International Socialism in the near future.