Issue 111


Analysis: Springtime in Europe

Analysis: New Labour’s meltdown?

Analysis: Taking on the multinationals in Bolivia

Analysis: The battle over Venezuela’s union

France’s extrodinary movement

Annick Coupé & Marie Perrin

Germany’s strategy debate

Christine Buchholz, Volkhard Mosler, Maya Mosler

Italy: an uncertain victory

Danilo Corradi, Brune Seban, Barbara de Vivo

The hidden history of US radicalism

Megan Trudell

Cuba behind the myths

Chris Harman

What was done

Paul Blackledge

The origins of capitalism

Chris Harman & Robert Brenner

Seventy years after the Spanish Civil War

Interview with Andy Durgan

Book reviews

Trotsky for the 21st century

Judy Cox

A light in the dark pools of squalor

Kieran Allen

Poisoned fruit of patriotism

Andy Strouthous

72 days that shook the world

Chris Nineham

Been here before

John Newsinger

Israel’s advocates in the dock

Ruth Tenne

Pick of the Quarter

Pick of the quarter

Chris Harman