Imperialism’s new facade
Chris Harman
The elections and the resistance in Iraq
Anne Alexander and Simon Assaf
Egypt: the pressures build up
Britain after eight years of Blair
Chris Harman
The changing structure of the British economy
Jane Hardy
The working class
Jacob Middleton
Blair’s vision for education: business, business, business
Terry Wrigley
Urban landscapes
Alex Law and Gerry Mooney
Labour’s organic crisis
Charlie Kimber
Respect: the record so far
Can we change the world without taking power?
A debate between John Holloway and Alex Callinicos World Social Forum, 27 January 2005
Looking for an alternative
Mike Gonzalez
Venezuela: inside the Bolivarian revolution
Che and the socialist tradition: a reply to Mike Gonzalez
Fernando Lizárraga
Emin matters
John Molyneux
Book reviews
Cities in revolt
Esme Choonara
A review of Meena Menon and Neera Adarkar, One Hundred Years, One Hundred Voices (Seagull Books, 2004), £19.95
Militant Dubliners
Kieran Allen
A review of John Newsinger, Rebel City (Merlin Press, 2004), £14.95
Barcelona class war
Andy Durgan
A review of Chris Ealham, Class, Culture and Conflict in Barcelona 1898-1937 (Routledge, 2004), £70
More than Culloden
Angus Calder
A review of Neil Davidson, Discovering the Scottish Revolution, 1682-1746 (Pluto Press, 2003), £19.99
Caught in a trap
John Game
A review of Vivek Chibber, Locked in Place: State-Building and Late Industrialisation in India (Princeton University Press, 2003), £26.95
Forgotten subversives
Chris Harman
A review of Jonathan I Israel, Radical Enlightenment (Oxford, 2002), £20.99
The other Moses
John Rose
A review of Edward Said, Freud and the Non-European (Verso, 2004), £8
I’m all lost in the supermarket
James Woodcock
Where Capital came from
Judy Cox
A review of Isaac Ilyich Rubin, A History of Economic Thought (Bertram), £19.99
Pick of the Quarter
Pick of the quarter
A question of perspective
Daphne Lawless
A comment on the experience of the Alliance Party in New Zealand