Hunting the heretics

A review of Elaine Graham-Leigh, The Southern French Nobility and the Albigensian Crusade (Boydell Press, 2005), £50 Readers of this journal may be familiar with Elaine Graham-Leigh as a Respect activist. Others will have heard her talk on medieval heresy… Continue Reading

Beyond the Subalterns

A review of Tithi Bhattacharya, The Sentinels of Culture: Class, Education and the Colonial Intellectual in Bengal (Oxford University Press, 2005). This is an important book that takes up one of the most significant developments in early modern Indian history—the… Continue Reading

Where it came from

David Harvey, A Brief History of Neo-Liberalism (Oxford University Press, 2005), £14.99 David Harvey, the leading Marxist geographer, manages to cram a lot into this brief history of the renaissance of free market capitalism in the guise of neoliberalism. He… Continue Reading