Issue 113 Analysis The wounded beast—the US’s crisis in Iraq Chris Harman In the name of decency: the contortions of the pro-war left Richard Seymour Rifondazione votes for war Megan Trudell The shape of the working class Martin Smith Ken Livingstone—the last reformist? Charlie Kimber Muslim working class struggles Hassan Mahamdallie Snapshots of capitalism today and tomorrow Chris Harman The return of strategy Daniel Bensaid The French Revolution is not over Neil Davidson Book reviews Wet Blunkett John Newsinger Dialectics of morality Chris Harman Important signpost Andrew Murray When Reason was revolt Chris Harman Not just opium Paul Blackledge The state of revolutions Joseph Choonara Questioning post-Fordism Paul Blackledge Pick of the quarter Pick of the quarter Chris Harman Feedback Feedback: 1956 and Labour Barry Conway